Text Your Ex Back Review • Why You Should Download Michael Fiore's Text Your Ex Back PDF

I've been following the work of author and relationship coach Michael Fiore for a while now.  What Michael Jordan was to basketball, Michael Fiore is to using text messaging to improve human connection.  In other words, he's the best at his craft.

His new texting program, Text Your Ex Back, teaches men and women how to get an ex back (even one who you haven't spoken to in a long time or who is dating someone else) by sending carefully crafted text messages from your average cell phone.  No, this isn't the cheesy, "Oh I love you soo much and I'm soo sorry.  Please just give me another chance" kind of texting that makes you sound extremely needy, desperate and, quite honestly, pathetic.

This is stuff Michael calls "text judo" and it's incredibly cool.  This Text Your Ex Back Michael Fiore review website explains it all even better than I can.

  Text Your Ex Back Review

Text Your Ex Back
Download The Michael Fiore Program And Get Your Ex Back
So What Is Text Judo?

Text judo is just one of the many texting techniques Michael Fiore teaches in his program.  If you know anything about judo (the martial arts kind) then you know it is based around the idea of using your opponents strengths against them.

In the same way, "text judo" is the idea of using your ex's negative emotions "against them" in order to turn them into positive ones.  Michael Fiore defines it like this...

“Text Judo” is the art of using your ex’s existing emotions “against them” in order to get the positive result you want."

This is accomplished by planting positive thoughts in your ex's mind and erasing the ill feelings they may be harboring after the breakup.  Michael Fiore teaches you how to do this by using 5 different types of text messages.

These are across the bow, best of the relationship, intimacy booster, green eyed monster, and emotional honesty texts.  There are a lot of other cool tricks as well.  Some of my favorites are the sensory expander, and the self-fulfilling prophecy.

Learn about these different kinds of texts by reading this article.
Who Is The Text Your Ex Back PDF For?  Will It Work For My Relationship?

The Michael Fiore Text Your Ex Back program works for people of all ages.  It doesn't matter if you're 16 or 60.  The texting techniques and formulas Michael teaches can be applied to almost any situation.  Of course, there are always going to be times when a relationship is truly over and nothing you say or do will change that.  No one can GUARANTEE you will get your ex back, but Michael's program gives you a damn good shot.

Basically the program is for you if you truly love, respect, and appreciate your ex and believe what you have is something special and something worth fighting for.

It's not for you if you're (and I'll put this bluntly) a douchebag, scumbag, or physically and/or emotionally abusive toward your ex.  Michael's stuff is extremely powerful and should only be used for good.  If you're the dirtbag type who has revenge on their mind, Michael's stuff isn't going to help you.
Are There Certain Texts I Shouldn't Be Sending To My Ex?

I'm glad you asked because actually, yes, there are.

The Text Your Ex Back program will teach you the best text to send your ex in different situations.

For example, there are different kinds of texts you'll want to use to create curiosity and start up a conversation.  There are other texts that will help you use "positive jealousy" to your advantage.  And still other types of texts that will plant positive thoughts in your ex's mind and open him or her to the idea of being with you again.

In the meantime, there are certain types of texts you shouldn't be sending to your ex.  If you haven't sent these, don't.  And if you have, stop, ok?  The video to the right explains more.
Does Michael Fiore Have Other Programs That Might Help Me?

So I know this is a Text Your Ex Back review, but Michael Fiore is pretty much the "go-to" guy when it comes to using text messages in your relationships and he actually has several other programs that might help you.  After all, text messages can not only help you get your ex back, but they can also be used to increase passion, romance, and intimacy so you don't risk losing your ex again in the future.

Here are some of Michael's other programs...

Text The Romance Back - this program is designed to show you how to use text messages to put more passion and romance into your relationship.  Also has some great chapters on text flirting and text dating.  Here's a site that talks about some example texts from Text The Romance Back.

The Secret Survey - if you're a woman, you'll definitely want to check out Michael Fiore's Secret Survey program.  In this one Michael takes you deep inside the male mind and explains whey men are the way they are and why they do things like lie and cheat on you even when they love you.  You'll know your guy inside and out after a few minutes with this program.
Some Final Thoughts On The Michael Fiore Text Your Ex Back Program

The more I learn about this program and the more I use the techniques, the more I love it.  I've become a big fan of Michael's and I think you'll really like the stuff he teaches.  I keep a close eye on his Facebook wall and see daily testimonials from the people he's helped.

I think we all deserve to be with the one we love and I sincerely hope something I've shared in this Text Your Ex Back review will help you get your ex back.